Spanish phrases for the gas station

Spanish at the Gas Station: Everything You Need to Know

In many parts of Latin America, you don’t pump your own gas — there are attendants who work the pumps (las bombas). So if you’re driving in a Spanish speaking country, it pays to know some Spanish phrases for the gas station.  Gas Station Vocabulary with Regional Variations Spanish vocabulary can vary a lot from country to … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

How to Memorize Spanish Words: Instantly Improve Your Recall

I was doing a live class last night and kept repeating something that I thought was worth sharing here:  If you memorize Spanish words like this: Tener = to have El bigote = the mustache You are unlikely to remember them. If you do remember them, you’ll probably struggle to use the word in conversation.  … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

How to Conjugate the Verb Poder in Spanish (8 Need-to-Know Tenses)

Poder in Spanish is a funny one to translate. We don’t have a one-word-verb like that in English, but I used to translate it in my head as “to can”.  Regardless of the translation, it’s one of the most useful verbs in Spanish. You can use it to ask and give permission, describe your abilities, … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

Man listening to audio with headphones

How to Improve Spanish Listening | 3 FREE Tools

Understanding Spanish is hard. It takes a lot of practice. So if you’re struggling to understand Spanish, you are not alone.  In my experience, comprehension is the hardest part of a new language because there are so many different ways people can speak. It’s unpredictable! A million different factors (including origin, personality, mood) can influence … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

A beach in Vieques. No worries in Spanish is no hay problema.

No Worries in Spanish: 15 Great Ways to Say No Problem

The simplest, most common way to say “no problem” or “no worries” in Spanish is “no hay problema.” Other common ways include no te preocupes, no pasa nada, and de nada. Let’s take a look at these and other ways to express the same idea. Click the audio next to each expression to hear a … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

I don't know in Spanish

“I don’t know” in Spanish: How Native Speakers Say It

No sé and no lo sé are the most common ways to say I don’t know in Spanish. They come from the verb saber (which means to know). When you’re learning Spanish, not knowing is an experience you have often. So to make it crystal clear, let’s break down this expression, and take a look … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

A woman jumping out of excitement

I Can’t Wait in Spanish: Express Excitement like a Native Speaker

In English, it’s common to say “I can’t wait” to express excitement. Trouble is, “I can’t wait” is an idiom. And you can’t always translate idioms literally into Spanish. In fact, there are a range of translations for I can’t wait in Spanish. Let’s break down the most natural ways to express this idea (don’t … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

Un momento or uno momento? Which one do you say in Spanish?

Un momento or Uno momento? Which One is Right in Spanish?

In Spanish, the phrase uno momento is incorrect. Instead, un momento is used. This is because when “uno” precedes a masculine noun like el momento, it always loses the “o”. Saying uno momento rather than un momento is one of the most common grammar mistakes I hear from people who’ve studied a little Spanish in … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

Is it hard to learn Spanish in San Juan, Puerto Rico?

Is it Hard to Learn Spanish? 3 Key Factors to Know

Is it hard to learn Spanish? If your goal is to make yourself understood in simple interactions, the answer is no. In a relatively short period of time, you can learn enough to get by on a trip to Nicaragua or Argentina. If your goal is to express yourself fully with friends, family, or coworkers, … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

Guy trying to figure out how to pronounce something

15 Hard Words to Pronounce in Spanish & How To Pronounce Them (+ Video)

Want to know how to pronounce the trickiest, longest words in Spanish? Words like internacionalización and ornitorrinco, or even tongue twisters like tres tristes tigres tragan trigo en un trigal? There are some genuinely hard words to pronounce in Spanish. Here’s my breakdown of 15 of the hardest words in my experience, both teaching and … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.