Want natural-sounding Spanish? Book an Accent Audit

Private, asynchronous pronunciation coaching

Get a personal, 15-minute video telling you exactly what to do to improve your Spanish pronunciation


What’s an audit?

A personal, 15-minute video analyzing your Spanish pronunciation line-by-line, with concrete feedback and clear advice for improvement.

Sound familiar?

Struggling with your pronunciation, but can’t put your finger on what sounds off
Feeling insecure about your accent, and as a result not speaking as much as you’d like
Practicing lots of individual sounds, but can’t get them to come out right when speaking
Confused by seemingly conflicting information about how to pronounce certain things

Here’s how it works:

  • Step 1: You record yourself speaking Spanish (1-3 minutes). You can read from something, or speak spontaneously.

    After booking, you’ll land on a form where you submit your recording. You’ll also answer a couple simple questions to help me understand your goals, so I can tailor my feedback to what’s important to you.

  • Step 2: Based on what I hear, I share specific feedback and advice for improvement in a private video, and suggest you a straightforward plan for making the progress you want.

  • Step 3: You ask me any questions you have based on my feedback.

¡Hola! Soy Connor

I’m a native English speaker who — like you — has learned Spanish from zero.

I use my experience and non-native perspective to give you the detailed feedback you need to finally feel more at ease and natural when speaking Spanish.