The simplest, most common way to say “no problem” or “no worries” in Spanish is “no hay problema.” Other common ways include no te preocupes, no pasa nada, and de nada.
Let’s take a look at these and other ways to express the same idea. Click the audio next to each expression to hear a native speaker say it.
No hay problema
First things first: No problemo is an American invention. It’s not a real Spanish expression, so you can safely erase it from your mind.
The most universal way to say “no worries” in Spanish is no hay problema. This literally means, “There is no problem”. You can use it in the same way you would use the expression in English.
Me pasas a buscar más tarde? | Can you come pick me up later? |
Claro, no hay problema | Sure, no problem |
No te preocupes/no se preocupe
No te preocupes means literally “don’t worry (about it)”, but can also mean ‘no worries’ in Spanish, depending on context.
If you’re using the polite, usted form, you’ll swap the “te” for a “se”: it becomes, no se preocupe.
You’ll use this with shop owners, strangers older than you, or anyone you would call “Mr. or Mrs.” in English.
Me prestas $20? | Will you lend me $20? |
Sí, aquí tienes | Sure, here you go |
Gracias! Te devuelvo el dinero después | Thanks, I’ll pay you back later |
No te preocupes | No worries/Don’t worry about it |
(Gracias) a tí/a usted
Sometimes, the best response to thanks is a “no, thank YOU”. In Spanish, this is No, gracias a tí / gracias a usted. You’ll also hear it shortened to a simple a tí — meaning “(thanks) to you”.
Gracias por venir a visitarme | Thanks for coming to visit me! |
No, gracias a tí! Lo pasé muy bien | No, thank you! I had a great time |
No pasa nada
No pasa nada is especially common in Spain, but it’s used in other places too. It literally means “nothing happens”, but is used to express things like “you’re welcome”, “don’t worry”, or “no problem”.
¿No te gustó la comida? Podemos decirle algo al mesero | You don’t like the food? We can say something to the waiter |
No, no pasa nada | No, it’s no problem |
¡Se me quedó el laptop en casa! | I left my laptop at home! |
No pasa nada, podemos usar el mio juntos | No worries, we can use mine togethe |
No importa
No importa literally means “it doesn’t matter”, so you need to be careful with your tone (just like in English). You can use it in the way you might say “no big deal”
Pedí dos cervezas, pero después recordé que prefieres el vino. | I ordered 2 beers, but then I remembered you prefer wine |
No importa! También tomo cerveza de vez en cuando | No worries! I drink beer sometimes too |
Da lo mismo
Da lo mismo means literally “it gives the same”. It isn’t an appropriate response to gracias. Instead, use this as a reply when something isn’t a big deal.
No te trajeron las papas fritas! | They didn’t bring you the fries! |
Ah, da lo mismo, no tengo tanta hambre | Ah, it’s all good, I’m not that hungry |
De nada
De nada is a very common polite Spanish expression. It’s most commonly used for ‘you’re welcome’. In that sense, it can also be used to say “no problem” in response to gracias.
Gracias por cocinar. ¡Todo está tan rico! | Thanks for cooking. Everything is so good! |
¡De nada! Me encanta cocinar | No problem! I love cooking. |
Por nada
Por nada is less common than de nada, but has a similar meaning. It’s a bit more informal. You also need to be careful with your tone, as por nada literally means “for nothing”. So Gracias por nada sounds just as sarcastic as “thanks for nothing”!
¿Me prestas tu calculadora? | Can I borrow your calculator? |
Sí, claro | Yeah, sure |
Gracias! | Thanks! |
Por nada | No worries/no problem |
No hay de qué / No hay por qué
Think of this as a shortened version of no hay de/por qué agradecerme, (there’s nothing to thank me for). It’s a bit more formal than “de nada”.
Le agradezco mucho la carta de recomendación que me hizo — ¡me dieron el trabajo! | I really appreciate the letter of recommendation you wrote me — they gave me the job! |
No hay de qué, te lo mereces! | You’re welcome, you deserve it! |
Es un placer
Es un placer means “it’s a pleasure”. A bit more formal, as in English. It’s the kind of expression you might use when hosting a nice party and responding to guests who thank you for putting on such a fun party.
Lo pasamos tan bien, muchas gracias por invitarnos | We had such a good time, thanks so much for inviting us |
Es un placer, gracias por venir! | It’s a pleasure, thanks for coming! |
Con gusto
Con gusto literally means “with pleasure”, and it’s on the formal side. If you’re at a restaurant, you might hear your server say it in response to your thanks.
Aquí tiene su langosta con mantequilla de ajo | Here you have your lobster with garlic butter |
Muchas gracias | Thank you |
Con gusto | My pleasure |
Encantado de ayudarte
Encantado de ayudarte means “Happy to help (you)”. It’s a classy way to respond when you’ve done something nice for someone.
Eva, muchas gracias por toda tu ayuda con mi iPad | Eva, thanks so much for your help with my iPad |
De nada, encantado de ayudarte | No problem, happy to help |
Tranquilo is an informal, somewhat slang-y way to say no worries in Spanish. It literally means “calm”, and can be used to say “calm down” too. But in this situation, you can think of it as “no big deal” or “no problem”.
Gracias por la ayuda con el exámen… sin tí lo habría reprobado. | Thanks for the help with the test… without you I would have failed it. |
Tranquilo, no hay problema | Sure thing, no worries |
No hay drama
No hay drama is another casual way to say ‘no worries’. It’s regional — more common in South American countries like Argentina and Chile.
Pidan lo que quieran, yo invito hoy! | Order anything you want, it’s on me today! |
¡Qué generosa, gracias! | How generous, thank you! |
No hay drama, ¡celebremos! | No worries, let’s celebrate! |