Corrections crossed out

3 Tips for (More) Correct Spanish

A lot of Spanish learners feel like they need more corrections. They worry they’ll never learn without them: “How will I know what I’m doing wrong?” “Won’t the mistake fossilize?” “I don’t want to keep saying something wrong over and over”. I can very much relate to the desire to nip mistakes in the bud. … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

3 Surprising Lessons I Learned in Mexico

I was hoping the hospital in Mexico wouldn’t be too expensive. To be fair, a one night stay here in the states would cost more than my car. But still… When I got the bill last Wednesday, it stung. Woulda been more fun to spend that $2500 on first-class tickets home instead. En mi familia, … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

A surprisingly effective trick to improve your Spanish accent

We’re in la dimensión desconocida (the twilight zone) between Christmas and New Year’s, so I’ll keep this week’s Saturday Spanish light. Today I want to share a fun tip that will improve your Spanish… Without having to memorize or study (since, if you’re like me, you’re waiting til Wednesday to restart regular life). Acting your way to great … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

How to keep your Spanish alive during the holidays

As nice as the holidays are, they are unfortunately where many Spanish learning dreams go to die.  If you’re not vigilant, your carefully built Spanish routine can disappear amongst all the gatherings, gifts, and last minute work deadlines…  And while I do think it’s fine to take breaks now and again… I also know it’s key to … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

The PTV Method to Master Direct/Indirect Objects

¡Te la llevo mañana!” “Se lo dije mil veces…” “¿Me lo prestas?” “Nos lo compró ayer.” I remember being thoroughly confused by these ‘me te se nos lo la combinations when I was learning Spanish. But with a bit of practice, it becomes easy and automatic. Today, I’ll show you how, and we’ll do a … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

A simple way to grow your active vocabulary in Spanish

One of the hard things about learning Spanish is that the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know… One area this applies is vocabulary.  Viewed all at once, it looks insurmountable.  And yet, millions of people manage to learn second languages, learning thousands of words in the process.  I can’t tell you … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

Written vs Spoken Spanish

Written vs Spoken Spanish

In the first pages of the classic novel Cien años de soledad, this description appears:  —Al ser destapado por el gigante, el cofre dejó escapar un aliento glacial. Dentro sólo había un enorme bloque transparente, con infinitas agujas internas en las cuales se despedazaba en estrellas de colores la claridad del crepúsculo. When opened by the giant, … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

3 (easy) tweaks for natural Spanish

I might lose some of you with this reference, but I swear it’s relevant to your Spanish: There used to be a recurring joke in the cartoon Family Guy where they had these two vaguely Scandinavian guys who spoke almost perfect American English…   Except for a few small details:  “It was so expensive, each drink cost like … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

The 4/3/2 Technique for Better Spanish

The first time you talk about something, it’s always a challenge.  It can be demoralizing, but it’s important to recognize that it’s part of the process.  That said, we don’t have to sit back and hope we’ll get good at discussing different things.  We can get proactive about it (and have some fun doing it).  … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.

This makes speaking Spanish 10x easier

Buenos días, In a recent survey to students and readers about their struggles with Spanish, I got some really interesting comments: “Why does everything I do seem so disconnected? I feel like I am a box holding all of the pieces of a puzzle that my brain refuses to assemble.” “When I try to communicate … Read More

Hey there, I'm Connor. I help motivated learners speak Spanish without slogging through grammar books or tapping through every new app. I started Breakthrough Spanish to give more people the confidence and focus to learn effectively Spanish from home. Learn more about me here.